Home Thoughts From A Blog

I’m trying to reduce my use of plastic from a fairly normal starting base, yet with my other concerns not ignored (food miles, Fair Trade, intensive farming, etc). These are my ad-hoc comments on my research and explorations.

Personality type

I’ve found the Jungian model of pe Myers-Briggs theory) very useful for understanding people and personality, and integrated it into my 15 years as an ICF Career Coach. I have included here –

  • articles by me and by others
  • links to related web sites
  • books on Type I’ve found particularly useful and/or interesting

Safe Web Colours

While with BT I did some research into basic principles for design of software and websites that would enable colourblind users to not be disadvantaged. At the time, I was told it was too difficult, because no two monitors nor even people see colours exactly the same. However, I suspected precision wasn’t what was needed, but broad principles.

I published a paper in 1999 (‘The Eye of The Beholder’ – Designing for Colourblind Users) along with some simple explanations about colour vision. The simulation tools I developed were very basic, and have long since been superceded, but hopefully the explanations are still useful.