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Money, money, money

There is No Planet B

A few weeks ago I heard a news item from Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, before he retires. He has always seemed a sensible guy, with a balanced perspective. The gist of the interview is a call to the financial industry to get its act together and make a plan to […]

Considering disposables

Two cups of latte

I see more and more places getting cups, or bags, or other containers made from ‘bio plastic’. This is the material many companies are using, whether to remove plastic from tea bags, or replace polystyrene chip trays. Compostable is good, if you DO compost them. But I’ve read people saying “it’s just as bad as […]

Nibbling at meat eating

There is No Planet B

I’ve been reading a very interesting book ‘There is no Planet B‘ (Mike Berners-Lee). A great collection of info about the relative environment cost and benefit of all sorts of things, related to the current environmental crisis. One section that caught my attention was the one on food, its carbon footprint, and having enough to […]

Sugar-free September

Giving up sugar for September

It’s been a while since I posted, there is a lot going on in my head, as well as the usual full life generally. Recently, I’ve come to a few significant (for me) decisions… I guess they deserve a page each, so I’ll do that. Generally (as this blog testifies) I’m trying to cut down […]

Freezer & Storage Tips

Freezer & Storage Tips

“Green consumerism is still Consumerism” I came across this quote in a thread, and it brilliantly sums up a lot of what seems to be happening. People are trying to buy less plastic by buying a whole lot more other stuff. It is now chic to have shelves full of wood and glass. I can’t […]

Fashion insights

Fashion insights

Clothing is an issue that has come to my notice recently. Plastic is not our only problem. I’m still thinking it through, but these are some initial thoughts. For ages, we’ve already been talking about micro plastics, and reducing the plastic pollution by washing less, and getting cotton and other natural fibres. I’m no follower […]

Recycling update

Recycling update

A lot has evolved on the recycling front, since I started this journey last year, and I thought I’d collect together the key info here for reference. Basically, what we can recycle is increasing, but is still not everything. By all means reduce the single-use plastic you buy to begin with, please. But if you […]

10 ways of Eco-friendly cleaning

10 ways of Eco-friendly cleaning

Cleaning is, for many of us, one of those chores we would happily do without. We can spend lots of money on a cupboard full of products which don’t actually get things any cleaner than a handful of inexpensive stock items. Maybe you have other things you’d like to spend that money on, and store […]

Making Plain Yogurt

Making Plain Yogurt

Part of our  lunch routine is to finish with yogurt. This used to be generic fruit flavoured, and has gradually evolved to live yogurt, then plain yogurt with fruit, jam or lemon curd. Plain yogurt is easily obtained in 1 litre tubs (I like Yeo Valley) but even though the tubs are made of recycled […]

The Kitchen Sink

The Kitchen Sink

It’s been a while since I’ve put anything here, but the journey to reduce plastic goes on – always looking for ways that can fit into normality easily and long-term. I have a (slimline) dishwasher, but since installing solar PV panels and adding a widget that uses spare electric to heat water, I find the […]