The Plastic-Less Lent 2018 group has been brilliant and reminded me of things I know are important, and I don’t feel so alone in the struggle. I already get milk in glass, cook from scratch, bake, make bread, minimise use of cleaners which are eco anyway including vinegar; use soapnuts or Bio-D powder for washing […]
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Category: Blog
What matters to you?
I’ve been thinking about the various things/values that I/we have to weigh up as we work on our less-plastic initiatives. Different people will include different things and put them in different orders. I’ve started with Plastic because it’s what this group is about, but you may have Zero Waste higher up, or lower carbon footprint. […]
Adventures in Yogurt – Slow Cooker
Odd title, ‘adventures in yogurt’ – what’s adventurous about yogurt? Exactly! But for those of us who haven’t ever done it before, it’s all a bit mysterious and vague. Some people just go for it, but some of us like to have a recipe. Now, recipes can be flexible, or ignored, but it gives us […]
Shampoo – the Show So Far
I’ve been trying to find a replacement for shampoo purchased in bottles or tubes. I’m also trying to wash my hair less often than every other day, so it slows down my experimentation. If it wasn’t for trying to get away from plastic bottles, I’ve found liquid shampoos that suit me. A bar shampoo is […]
Your starter for 10
I’m already noticing that both my bin and my recycling area are filling more slowly! And of course the bin is mainly plastic film, and envelopes since avoiding meat trays. We’re fortunate here that the range of goods accepted for recycling is quite large, and there is kitchen waste (collected in starch compostable bags) collection, […]
Shampoo and Brown sauce
Earlier in the week I got my first soapnut shampoo bar. Admittedly my itchy scalp is feeling much more comfortable with using this (it doesn’t contain any detergent) but my thin, lank hair seems to be weighed down in some way. Other people find their hair feels amazing. Perhaps all the nourishing oils in the bar […]
Supermarket Trip
I normally walk into my nearest supermarket for my shopping, but there are a handful of things I can’t get there. So last week I drove the 5 miles to another shop, armed with my normal set of re-usable bags (the woven polypropylene sort which I’ve had for years) plus a couple of flimsy carriers […]
Easy wins?
I walked home from town today armed with fresh samosas from the stand in town (wrapped in paper) as a lunchtime treat for my flu-stricken husband. Stopping on the way at the local chip shop, I asked for the small portion (normally on a foam tray) to just be wrapped in paper. “Of course!” he […]
Home thoughts from a blog
Plastic. It’s got me thinking. Thinking some more I should say. But there’s such a lot to think about, I thought getting it down would help me process things. Maybe others are asking similar questions, this might help you too – or you might help me. Perhaps I can get discussion started. Plastic has been […]