This more-ish creation is based on my Flapjack recipe. I developed it to have something that worked as cereal bars for packed lunches, but the recipes I found seemed very complicated, and often American. This one isn’t!

6 oz butter
6 oz soft brown sugar
6 oz porridge oats
1 oz desiccated coconut
1 oz rice crispies
4 oz deluxe dried mixed fruit (includes dried apricot and cranberries)

Melt the butter gently in a largish pan. Add the sugar, and let bubble together for a little while, so the sugar just about melts. Stir in the oats and coconut, blend well. Add in the rice crispies and dried fruit, and mix until evenly distributed.

Line, or grease & flour, a 7″ x 10″ tray. Alternatively, a 7″ x 9″ silicone tray is great without preparation, I sit mine inside a steel tray for support and ease of handling.

Press the mixture evenly and firmly into the pan. Bake at 170°C for 25 min. Remove from oven and place it still in the tin on a cooling rack. Leave until well cold and set (could be finished in the fridge), before cutting up into bars. Makes 16 cereal bars, or 25 smaller snack size.

Package separately in small re-used/re-usable zip-lock bags to freeze ready for popping into a packed lunch.